About the Theppanom Springs, Chiang Mai

Jordan Walsh

About the Theppanom Springs, Chiang Mai
4/5 - (2 votes)
The Thep panom HotSprings is nestled in the Mae Chaem District about 100 km away from Chiang Mai city. Due to its isolated location, this place is not very popular among tourists. It is located at a distance of about 85 km from Chiang Mai but takes very long to reach.

However, the route is impressive. The road leads through winding mountain roads and the view is very wholesome.

About the Theppanom Springs Chiang Mai

What to do at the Theppanom HotSprings?

The Theppanom Spring can be divided into two parts – the hot spring and seepage ponds. The water flows through various fault lines before finally flowing together into a hot stream into the Mae Chaem River.

The small open plain area of ​​about 10 rai here has a small creek in it and hence you can find both the cold as well as hot spring in the area. If you want to have an experience close to nature, then you can soak yourself in the warm water at the outdoor pool. For families and people who prefer privacy, there are private rooms with onsens.

Watch the 360 degrees view of the Theppanom Spring here https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8JyPFlz4V8

You can also go for mineral water bathing which has certain proven health benefits for the skin and is good for mental health as well.

Outdoor Pool at the Thepanom Spring, Chiang Mai

Entry Fees

The entry fees for visiting the Theppanom Spring is 50 Baht for Adults and 20 Baht for Children.


Location: At Op Luang National Park, T. Ha Pha, A. Mae Chaem
Open 8am – 4.30pm
Tel. 081 992 9864

Final Words

The Theppanom Spring might not be among the best hot springs in Chiang Mai but is certainly a good option for anyone who wishes to take a good long drive for a getaway close to nature.

Founder - Thailand Nomads Jordan started Thailand Nomads primarily for sharing his experience of exploring Thailand for several years. The objective is to help tourists especially digital nomads plan their travel itinerary when visiting Thailand.

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